Sunday, April 17, 2016


The Lord helped us to see the sharp divide that exist in the church today in our last two post (You can read up on the blog). These two divide have been dealt with, but one thing that separates the two is the claim on end to WORKS by a divide in relation to GRACE and the other feels that’s an avenue to promote unrighteousness. We’d go through understanding this together.

God created all He did create by command but man wasn’t brought to existence this way.  There was an agreement in heaven before man was formed. There was first a deliberation before man was created because of the uniqueness of man. “then God said, let us make man- someone like ourselves, to be master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas” Gen1vs26. It just means man was an original representation of God existing in a bodily form. This made it natural for man to do things that were just the mind of God. It is not if man makes mistakes, he is the Lord over the earth, it is an autocratic reign, and even God couldn’t discredit whatever man says. This was why every name man gave to all the animals were just perfect fit. He trusted man with the earth kingdom. Man ruled by decree.

Not long after there was a civil coup. A soldier who had fallen as a result of his planned coup in heaven which failed to succeed visited the territory of these military heads over the earth to upturn the kingdom. It was civil because it came without force. Unknowingly for this earth-lord, it was a civil way for this defeated foe to have a kingdom to call his own. Immediately after the incident in Eden, man no longer have that absolute authority and control over the earth, the serpent and its agents became partially powerful. The fallen angel succeeded, man lost that position of prestige. Man could no longer rule by decree. It then became a democratic system where the word of the man isn’t just power but needed to be ratified by the upper (God) and lower (High Priest) legislative chamber.

You must take note that before man lost it, whatever he does is exactly what God approves. It isn’t because there had been a pre-ordained decision but because man was in glory (oneness with God). It was man legal right to administer His territory without any external aggression. There was nothing like God’s will because man is God’s will Himself. “Lion begets lion”.

Immediately the sad event happened, the sense of pleasing God set in. what was natural was distorted. Man began to have the consciousness of being right with God. Man then tried to cover up his nakedness (unworthiness). The nakedness represents absence of clothing (Glory). They needed something to stand in this gap. They became uncomfortable with how they had always been because their mind had been activated and it began to process information to their brain. The brain can’t comprehend Glory. They now could reason and think about things around not the way the Lord sees it again (Spirit) but consciousness of the flesh.

This was the advent of WORKS…

“and the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, AND THEY SEWED FIG LEAVES TOGETHER, AND MADE THEMSELVES APRON” Gen3v7

This was where the consciousness of having ways to please God set in. you must understand that works is always accompanied with “fear”

“that evening they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden, and they hid themselves among the trees” Gen3v8

This metamorphosed into the administration of laws to man in order to be on the good account of GOD. The works were only standing in the place of the GLORY that left by PROXY. The Israelites got a handful of these laws to live by. They just have to do some certain things which will make them be pleasing to God and also to get close to Him. Those who don’t live by these laws were not for the Lord. In essence, the works became full blown in the laws. This is why it was difficult for the Israelites to understand the era of GRACE which is the original plan of God preached tirelessly by Paul.

As you go this week, be aware you have the real deal now, no longer by proxy!
Let’s continue next week as we look into this in the light of the New Testament.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye


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